Ados, comment les motiver : la méthode Gordon appliquée à la motivation scolaire
Vincent Acker, Christophe Inzirillo, Bruno Lefebvre
L'apprenti ado : favoriser les apprentissages scolaires des adolescents en tenant compte des fonctions cognitives et du stress
Geneviève Daigneault, Ani-Josée Laurin, Annie-Claude Perrault
Becoming a win-win teacher : survival strategies for the beginning educator
Jane Bluestein
Bravo, teacher! : building relationships with actions that value others
Sandra Harris
Développer les compétences sociales des adolescents par des ateliers de parole
Édith Tartar Goddet
Fires in the bathroom : advice for teachers from high school students
Kathleen Cushman and the students of What Kids Can Do ; with an introduction by Lisa Delpit
Fires in the middle school bathroom : advice for teachers from middle schoolers
Kathleen Cushman, Laura Rogers
A healthy classroom
Michael Grinder
How to say the right thing every time : communicating well with students, staff, parents, and the public
Robert D. Ramsey
The inspired teacher : how to know one, grow one, or be one
Carol Frederick Steele
Inviting school success : a self-concept approach to teaching, learning, and democratic practice
Watson Purkey, John M. Novak
Inviting students to learn : 100 tips for talking effectively with your students
Jenny Edwards
Making a difference in the classroom [electronic resource] : strategies that connect with students
Sandra J. Balli
Managing your classroom with heart : a guide for nurturing adolescent learners
Katy Ridnouer
Managing your classroom with heart [electronic resource] : a guide for nurturing adolescent learners
Katy Ridnouer
La psycho 100% ado
Philippe Jeammet, Odile Amblard ; illustrations Soledad
Savoir communiquer avec les adolescents
Édith Tartar Goddet
Teaching, the hardest job you'll ever love! [electronic resource] : helpful ideas for teachers in and out of the classroom
Steve Sonntag
What do you say when-- ? [electronic resource] : best practice language for improving student behavior
Hal Holloman, Peggy H. Yates
With all due respect : keys for building effective school discipline
Ronald G. Morrish