Australia - Australian Capital Territory
ACT Teacher Quality Institute, PO Box 263, Jamison Centre, ACT 2614
Australia - New South Wales
NSW Education Standards Authority
117 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Postal address:
GPO Box 5300, Sydney NSW 2001
Australia - Northern Territories
Teacher Registration Board of the Northern Territory, PO Box 1675, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
Australia - Queensland
Queensland College of Teachers,
GPO Box 702,
Brisbane, Queensland 4001,
Australia - South Australia
Teachers Registration Board of South Australia, Level 6, 70 Pirie Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia
Australia - Tasmania
Teachers Registration Board, (Level 4, Kirksway House, 2 Kirksway Place, Battery Point) GPO Box 539, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
Australia - Victoria
Victorian Institute of Teaching, PO Box 531, Collins Street West, Melbourne, Victoria 8007, Australia
Australia - Western Australia
Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA)
PO Box 3009
East Perth WA 6892