Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on March 21, 2024
Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Linda Lacroix, OCT (Registrar); Natacha Akineza, OCT; Abena Buahene; Jonathan Davey; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Elaine Lajeunesse; Jonathan Rose; Imran Syed, OCT; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT; Valerie Fontenelle, OCT
Guests: Anne Resnick, Chair, Investigation Committee
Staff: Jamie Robertson, OCT; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Saran Ragunathan, OCT; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Eric Mezin; Andy Rosenhek; Fred Towers; Elicia Persaud (Recorder)
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Chair, Diana Miles, called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. and welcomed all those present. She proceeded with a land acknowledgment and identified it as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
2. Agenda
It was moved by Valerie Fontenelle, seconded by Elaine Lajeunesse, and
That the Agenda for the March 21, 2024 Council meeting be approved.
Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Minutes
4.1 Meeting, December 7, 2023
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Natacha Akineza, and
That the Minutes of the December 7, 2023 meeting of Council be approved.
4.2 In Camera Session, December 7, 2023
It was moved by Valerie Fontenelle, seconded by Tammy Webster, and
That the Minutes of the December 7, 2023 In-camera session of Council be approved.
5. Chair and Registrar Reports
5.1 Chair’s Report
The Chair of Council presented her report noting her appreciation to the College leadership team for its proactive approach to complying with the new 60-day application timeline for internationally educated teachers.
5.2 Registrar’s Report
The Registrar, Linda Lacroix, reviewed a PowerPoint presentation that summarized highlights of her report. Following her report, the Registrar and members of the College senior leadership team responded to questions.
6. New Business
6.1 Sexual Abuse Prevention Program - Compliance Mechanism
The Registrar provided a high-level summary of the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program. The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, Saran Ragunathan, presented an overview of the proposed communication and implementation strategy to support full compliance with the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program. Following his presentation, he responded to questions received.
It was moved by Abena Buahene, seconded by Maria Vasanelli, and
That Council recommend to the Minister of Education that new regulations be enacted pursuant to paragraphs 25 and 26 of subsection 40(1) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act to permit the College to establish a process to administratively suspend members who fail to complete the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (the “SAPP”) before July 2, 2025, as outlined in Document 07.
6.2 Proposed Bylaw Amendments re Inactive/Non-Practicing Status
The Registrar provided a high-level summary of the notice of motion for the Bylaw amendment and turned it over to Saran Ragunathan to provide a detailed overview of the proposed Bylaw changes.
It was moved by Doug Gosse, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and
That Council approve the proposed Bylaw amendments as outlined in Document 08.
6.3 Proposed Regulatory Amendments
6.3.1 Technological Education Work Experience
The Registrar introduced the proposed bylaw amendments. The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, reviewed the amendments and responded to questions.
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Valerie Fontenelle, and
That Council request that the Minister of Education make the amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation as outlined in Document 09.
6.3.2 Leadership Pathways
The Registrar and the Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals presented the proposed legislative amendment to remove a pre-requisite for the Principles Qualification Program, that would apply to Technology Education and Indigenous Teachers. There was discussion on the impact this change would have, noting both the importance of removing barriers to allow equitable access without compromising the standards required for leadership positions.
It was moved by Maria Vasanelli, seconded by Tammy Webster, and
That Council request that the Minister of Education make the following amendment to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation:
Removal of the post-secondary degree requirement to be granted the PQP Part 1 qualification. This would include the creation of equivalency pathways for divisional qualifications, specialist qualifications and graduate post-secondary credit requirements.
6.3.3 Math Proficiency Test
The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals provided an update on the of the Math Proficiency Test and reviewed the request to work with the Ministry of Education to begin developing regulation amendments needed to support the re-launch of the Math Proficiency Test scheduled in early 2025.
It was moved by Natacha Akineza, seconded by Elaine Lajeunesse, and
That Council write to the Minister of Education to request that Ministry of Education staff work with College staff to determine how the reintroduction of the MPT impacts applicants, and develop consequential amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation for Council consideration.
7. Subcommittee Reports
7.1 Audit and Finance Subcommittee
7.1.1 Financial Results
The Chair of the Audit and Finance Subcommittee, Jonathan Davey, presented the Audit and Finance Subcommittee report. He reviewed the year-end financial results and outlined the considerations taken by the Subcommittee in their recommendation for the resulting surplus.
It was moved by Valerie Fontenelle, seconded by Maria Vasanelli, and
That Council approve a contribution to the restricted cash reserve in the amount of $8,760,565, representing the 2023 year-end surplus.
7.1.2 Audited 2023 Financial Statements
There were no questions received on the audited financial statements.
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and
That Council accept the December 31, 2023 audited financial statements of the Ontario College of Teachers as presented.
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Investigation Committee Report
The Chair welcomed Anne Resnick, Chair of the Investigations Committee, and invited her to present the committee’s annual report.
The Chair of the Investigations Committee reviewed her report.
9. Correspondence
Three items of correspondence were provided for information.
10. Future Meeting Dates
The meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m.