Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 27-28, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15 th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto
1. Call to Order/Welcome.
2. Agenda.
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Minutes.
4.1 Meeting, December 5-6, 2013.
4.2 Special Meeting, December 6, 2013.
4.3 Special Meeting, January 21, 2014.
5. Business Arising.
6. Registrar's Report
6.1 Report
6.2 Financial Report as at December 31, 2013
7. Chair's Report
7.1 Report
8. Committee Reports.
8.1 Executive Committee.
8.2 Investigation Committee.
8.3 Discipline Committee.
8.4 Fitness to Practise Committee.
8.5 Registration Appeals Committee.
8.6 Finance Committee.
8.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee.
8.8 Accreditation Committee.
8.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee.
8.10 Human Resources Committee.
8.11 Editorial Board.
8.12 Election Committee.
8.13 Nomination Committee.
8.14 Quality Assurance Committee.
9. Correspondence.
10. New Business.
10.1 Council Strategic Plan.
10.1.1 Mission Statement
10.1.2 Vision.
10.1.2 Vision (Continued)
10.1.3 Values.
10.1.4 Strategic Priorities.
10.1.5 Strategic Plan - Implementation.
12. Notices of Motion.
12.1 College Bylaws - Proposed Amendment to Nomination and
Executive Committee Mandates re Filling Committee Vacancies (Sections 6 & 7)
13. New Business (Continued)
13.1 Council Strategic Plan (Continued)
13.1.2 Vision (Continued)
14. Next Meeting(s) of Council
15. Adjournment
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 27-28, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 1: March 27, 2014
: Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT,
Christine Bellini, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Ahmed Bouragba, OCT, Maria Bouwmeester, OCT, Shabnum Budhwani,
Marie-Louise Chartrand, Monique Châteauvert, Irene Dembek, OCT,
Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Monika Ferenczy, OCT,
Dobi-Dawn Frenette (via teleconference from 1:45 p.m.), Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT, Mel Greif, Godwin Ifedi,
Allyn Janicki, OCT, Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Monique Lapalme Arseneault, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT,
Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT (via teleconference), Louis Sloan, OCT, Kara Smith, OCT Demetri
Vacratsis, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT,
Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Pauline Smart
Peter Lipman, OCT, Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko,
Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Presiding Officer, Lori Lukinuk, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
The Chair introduced and welcomed the two newly appointed Council members, Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad and Godwin Ifedi to the meeting. Both members have
been appointed to Council for a three-year term. She welcomed Bill Kirkwood, the newly appointed Chair of the Public Interest Committee, seated in the
Gale Dores, Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee, invited members to view the standards-based educative resources in the Member's
Lounge where staff from the Standards of Practice and Education Unit would be available to answer any inquiries.
It was noted that Marie-Louise Chartrand and Marc Dubois comprised the Steering Committee.
2. Agenda
The Presiding Officer informed members that item 10.2 Amendments - Teachers' Qualifications Regulation, and Accreditation Regulation
would not be considered at this meeting.
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Agenda for the March 27-28, 2014 Council meeting be approved, as amended.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Minutes
4.1 Meeting, December 5-6, 2013
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on
December 5-6, 2013 be approved.
4.2 Special Meeting, December 6, 2013
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on December 6, 2013 be approved.
4.3 Special Meeting, January 21, 2014
It was moved by Steering, and
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held via teleconference on January 21, 2014 be approved.
5. Business Arising
There were no business arising items.
6. Registrar's Report
6.1 Report
The Registrar's Report was received. The Registrar spoke to his report and responded to questions.
The Registrar advised that Bill 103 (The Protecting Students Act)
was still in the second reading phase. He noted that he had brought to the attention of Ministry staff those elements in Bill 103 that diverged from
Council's direction to the Ministry and advised that there was still an additional opportunity to advocate for Council's direction in those areas.
In response to a question at a previous meeting regarding business addresses supplied to the College by members, the Registrar advised that over 200,000
members had provided the information related to their business addresses, of which 10 percent was not related to one of the 72 district school boards.
The Registrar noted that he would provide additional information in his report to Council at the June meeting on the following matters:
· Business addresses supplied to the College by members
· Public Awareness Initiative with respect to focus groups
· Additional Qualifications - Statistics and Providers
· Highlight budget lines with cost implications
6.2 Financial Report as at December 31, 2013
The Ontario College of Teachers Financial Report as at December 31, 2013 was received.
7. Chair's Report
7.1 Report
The Chair's Report was received. The Chair, Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and responded to questions. The Chair informed members that she had
received a number of emails relating to the fee increase and that most of the members had received individual responses from her.
The Chair advised members that three former Council members: Bill Kirkwood, Susan Robertson and John Tucker, would be honoured for their contributions to
Council at the Thursday night dinner.
A discussion ensued on the Ontario Teachers' Federation "Course Correction: A Renewed Focus for the Ontario College of Teachers."
The Chair expressed her condolences on behalf of Council on the loss of staff member, Fenton Chin.
8. Committee Reports
8.1 Executive Committee
The report of the Executive Committee was received. The Chair,
Liz Papadopoulos, spoke to the report and responded to questions
The Chair spoke to the mandate for filling committee vacancies.
It was noted that the Nomination Committee would continue to provide a slate of candidates for the inaugural meeting of the 7th Council and
recommend candidates for elected member vacancies where there are no qualified candidates to serve.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of the Executive Committee, and CARRIED,
That Council approve that the process for filling committee vacancies on statutory, regulatory, standing, special or ad hoc committees during the
Council term be assumed by the Executive Committee consistent with the provisions in O. Regs 72/97 and 347/02 and the College bylaws.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 33
: 0
The Proposed Pilot for Public Deputations at Council was received. The Chair spoke to the parameters and protocols for public deputations at
Council meetings.
It was noted that if Council received a deputation from a French-speaking member(s), that document would be translated prior to the meeting. This procedure
would be examined during the piloting of the process.
It was agreed that staff would post the Council Agenda on the College web site following approval of the Council Agenda at the Executive Committee meeting.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, Chair of the Executive Committee, "That Council approve the parameters and protocols for the pilot for public deputations at Council meetings as outlined in document GC20140327-13, Attachment 1."
It was moved by Robert Gagné, seconded by Marc Dubois, and
That Council approve that the parameters and protocols as outlined in document
13, Attachment 1, be amended by deleting the following words in #1, "conducted in English (business language of Council)" to read:
The pilot will be available for one year, spanning one Annual Meeting of Members and four Council meetings, from the June 2014 through to the March
2015 Council meetings.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 33
: 0
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the parameters and protocols for the pilot for public deputations at Council meetings as outlined in document
13, Attachment 1, as amended.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 33
: 0
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
8.2 Investigation Committee
The report of the Investigation Committee was received. The Chair, Terry Price, spoke to the report and thanked Susan Robertson for her contributions to
the Investigation Committee. In response to a question, the Chair of the Investigation Committee noted that two panel meetings per month were being
scheduled for the committee for the rest of the year.
8.3 Discipline Committee
The report of the Discipline Committee was received. The Chair, Robert Gagné, spoke to the report and responded to questions. He thanked Agatha Wong,
Decision Editor, for her assistance to the committee.
8.4 Fitness to Practise Committee
The report of the Fitness to Practise Committee was received. The Chair,
Louis Sloan, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
8.5 Registration Appeals Committee
The report of the Registration Appeals Committee was received. The Chair,
Marc Dubois, spoke to the report.
8.6 Finance Committee
The report of the Finance Committee was received. The Chair, Marie-Louise Chartrand, spoke to the report.
8.7 Standards of Practice and Education Committee
The report of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee was received. The Chair, Gale Dores, spoke to the report and thanked Susan Robertson for
her contributions to the Standards of Practice and Education Committee. The Chair of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee thanked staff for
setting up the resource table containing the standards-based educative resources and encouraged Council members to review these resources.
8.8 Accreditation Committee
The report of the Accreditation Committee was received. The Vice-Chair,
Angela De Palma, spoke to the report and thanked Bill Kirkwood, the former Chair of the Accreditation Committee, for his leadership and contributions to
the Accreditation Committee.
8.9 Accreditation Appeal Committee
There was no report for the committee.
8.10 Human Resources Committee
The report of the Human Resources Committee was received. The Acting Chair,
Wes Vickers, spoke to the report.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve the appointment of Wes Vickers as Chair of the Human Resources Committee.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
Dembek, Irene
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 33
: 0
8.11 Editorial Board
The report of the Editorial Board was received. The Chair, Christine Bellini, spoke to the report.
8.12 Election Committee
The report of the Election Committee was received. The Chair, Mel Greif, spoke to the report and responded to questions.
8.13 Nomination Committee
The report of the Nomination Committee was received. The Chair, Irene Dembek, spoke to the report and thanked Susan Robertson for her contributions to the
Nomination Committee.
The Chair confirmed that the deadline for responses from the Election Committee and the chairs of committees to the on-line survey on the creation of a
Governance Committee of Council was March 28, 2014.
8.14 Quality Assurance Committee
The report of the Quality Assurance Committee was received. The Chair, Clyde Glasgow, spoke to the report.
9. Correspondence
(GC20140327-26 to -32)
The following items of correspondence were received for information:
· Letter from ETFO re Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20140327-26)
· Letter from OSSTF re Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20140327-27)
· Letter from AEFO re Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20140327-28)
· Letter from OECTA re Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20140327-29)
Letter from OTF re Membership Fee Increase and Response (GC20140327-30)
· Letter of Resignation from Council from Bill Kirkwood (GC20140327-31)
· Letter from the President of the Ontario Teachers' Federation re an OTF report entitled: Course Correction: A Renewed Focus on the Ontario College
of Teachers (GC20140327-32)
10. New Business
10.1 Council Strategic Plan
The Ontario College of Teachers Strategic Plan was received. The Chair spoke to the theme, mission, vision, the values and strategic priorities of the
It was noted that Wes Vickers had not attended the two-day retreat held on October 2-3, 2013 to develop the strategic plan.
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that the purpose and theme of the strategic plan is Strengthening Self-Regulation.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 31
: 0
10.1.1 Mission Statement
It was moved by Steering, "
That Council approve the following mission statement for the College: The College regulates the teaching profession in Ontario in the public interest
by setting and enforcing high ethical and professional standards for its members."
It was moved by Allyn Janicki, seconded by Maria Bouwmeester, but it was
That Council approve that the mission statement be amended by adding the word "documenting" after the word "setting", to read as follows:
The College regulates the teaching profession in Ontario in the public interest by setting, documenting and enforcing high ethical and professional
standards for its members."
Roll Call Vote:
Bass, Sandy
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Bouwmeester, Maria
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Janicki, Allyn
Châteauvert, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
De Palma, Angela
Price, Terry
Dores, Gale
Sloan, Louis
Dubois, Marc
Smith, Kara
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
: 9
: 18
It was moved by Marie Louise Chartrand, seconded by Angela De Palma, but it was LOST,
That Council approve that the mission statement be amended by deleting the words "for its members", to read as follows:
The College regulates the teaching profession in Ontario in the public interest by setting and enforcing high ethical and professional standards.
Roll Call Vote:
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Achkewich, Stefanie
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Bass, Sandy
Dubois, Marc
Bellini, Christine
Linton, Shanlee
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 4
: 26
A vote was taken on the main motion, and it was
That Council approve the following mission statement for the College:
The College regulates the teaching profession in Ontario in the public interest by setting and enforcing high ethical and professional standards for
its members.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bass, Sandy
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Bellini, Christine
Janicki, Allyn
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 25
: 3
10.1.2 Vision
It was noted that the heading should be "Vision" and not "Vision Statement".
It was moved by Steering, "
That Council approve the following vision for the College: The public greatly respects the teaching profession and students feel safe, supported and
inspired. "
It was moved by Ahmed Bouragba, seconded by Shanlee Linton, and
That Council approve that the vision be amended by substituting the word "feel" with the word "are, to read as follows:
The public greatly respects the teaching profession and students are safe, supported and inspired.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
Smith, Kara
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 31
: 0
It was moved by Mary Lou Mackie, seconded by Monika Ferenczy, and
That Council approve that the vision statement be amended by addition of the word "successful" between the words "are" and "safe", to read as follows:
The public greatly respects the teaching profession and students are successful, safe, supported and inspired.
Roll Call Vote:
Bass, Sandy
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bellini, Christine
De Palma, Angela
Bouragba, Ahmed
Dores, Gale
Bouwmeester, Maria
Dubois, Marc
Budhwani, Shabnum
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Gray, Jacqueline Janicki, Allyn
Ferenczy, Monika
Kavanagh, Matthew
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Linton, Shanlee
Glasgow, Clyde
Smith, Kara
Greif, Mel
Vacratsis, Demetri
Ifedi, Godwin
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Sloan, Louis
: 16
: 11
The meeting recessed at 5:00 p.m.
Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Ontario College of Teachers held on March 27-28, 2014 in the Council Chambers, 15th Floor, 101 Bloor
Street West, Toronto
Session 2: March 28, 2014
: Stefanie Achkewich, OCT, Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT,
Christine Bellini, OCT, Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT, Ahmed Bouragba, OCT, Maria Bouwmeester, OCT, (via teleconference),
Shabnum Budhwani, Marie-Louise Chartrand, Monique Châteauvert,
Angela De Palma, OCT, Gale Dores, OCT, Marc Dubois, OCT, (Vice-Chair), Elizabeth Edgar-Webkamigad, Monika Ferenczy, OCT,
Dobi-Dawn Frenette (via teleconference), Robert Gagné, Clyde Glasgow, Jacqueline Gray, OCT, Mel Greif, Godwin Ifedi, Allyn Janicki, OCT, (via
teleconference), Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, Monique Lapalme Arseneault, Shanlee Linton, OCT, Myreille Loubert, OCT,
Mary Lou Mackie, OCT, Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, (Chair), Terry Price, OCT, Vicki Shannon, OCT, Louis Sloan, OCT, Demetri Vacratsis, OCT, Wes Vickers, OCT,
Michael Salvatori, OCT, (Registrar)
Irene Dembek, OCT, Pauline Smart, Kara Smith, OCT
Peter Lipman, OCT, Lori Lukinuk
Kim Bauer, Tan Crombie, Francine Dutrisac, OCT, Myrtle Herzenberg, Joe Jamieson, OCT, (Deputy Registrar), Richard Lewko,
Michelle Longlade, OCT, Charlie Morrison, Linda Zaks-Walker, OCT
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m.
Lori Lukinuk assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
10.1.2 Vision
It was moved by Shabnum Budhwani, seconded by Louis Sloan, but it was
That Council approve that the vision statement be amended by substituting the word "and" with the word "where", to read as follows:
The public greatly respects the teaching profession where students are successful, safe, supported and inspired.
Roll Call Vote:
Bass, Sandy
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bellini, Christine
Budhwani, Shabnum
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouwmeester, Maria
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 3
: 25
: 2
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, and seconded by Christine Bellini, and
That item 10.1.2 Vision be postponed to follow item 11 Notice of Motion on the Agenda.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 31
: 0
10.1.3 Values
It was moved by Steering, "That Council approve the following values for the College: The Ontario College of Teachers commits to:
protect the public interest
quality, excellence and professionalism
honesty and integrity
accountability and transparency
efficiency, effectiveness and fiscal responsibility
respectfulness and teamwork between the College Council, staff and stakeholder community, each respecting the other's role.
It was moved by Mary Lou Mackie, seconded by Mel Greif, and
That Council amend the Values of the College by the addition of a new statement to read:
Inclusivity and respect for diversity
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 31
: 0
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council approve the following values for the College:
The Ontario College of Teachers commits to:
protect the public interest
quality, excellence and professionalism
honesty and integrity
accountability and transparency
efficiency, effectiveness and fiscal responsibility
inclusivity and respect for diversity
respectfulness and teamwork between the College Council, staff and stakeholder community, each respecting the other's role.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 30
: 0
10.1.4 Strategic Priorities
It was moved by Steering, "That Council establish the following strategic priorities for the College:
Broaden membership engagement in the work of the College, and in particular, engage non-traditional members, including retired teachers, the First
Nations and students in faculties of education, in the work of the College. Consider developing a new category of membership for students in faculties
of education.
2. Develop strategies to facilitate, encourage and monitor the ongoing professional learning of members.
3. Develop a comprehensive, long-term communication plan that includes other regulators and leverages the College's website and other
communication vehicles to:
• inform the public about the objectives and processes of self-regulation
• develop, amongst the public, an appreciation of the value of self-regulation
• improve the transparency of the College.
4. Enhance Council and committee effectiveness and accountability through:
• professional development on good governance
• clarification of the appropriate roles of Council members and staff
• streamlining and improving Council's processes
• identification, review and improvement of committee practices
• implementation of formal accountability measurements
• periodic third party review.
It was moved by Terry Price, seconded by Gales Dores, and
That Council approve that Strategic Priority #2 be amended by the deletion of the words "encourage and monitor", to read:
Develop strategies to facilitate the ongoing professional learning of members.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bellini, Christine
Bass, Sandy
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Bouwmeester, Maria
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
De Palma, Angela
Châteauvert, Monique
Dores, Gale
Ferenczy, Monika
Dubois, Marc
Glasgow, Clyde
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ifedi, Godwin
Lapalme Arseneault,
Gagné, Robert
Gray, Jacqueline
Mackie, Mary Lou
Greif, Mel
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
Vickers, Wes
: 21
: 10
It was moved by Louis Sloan, seconded by Robert Gagné, but it was
That Council approve that Strategic Priority #2 be deleted.
Roll Call Vote:
Sloan, Louis
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Glasgow, Clyde
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 1
: 28
It was moved by Marie-Louise Chartrand, seconded by Jean-Luc Bernard, but it was LOST,
That Council approve that Strategic Priority #1 be amended by substitution to read:
Broaden membership engagement in the work of the College, and in particular, engage non-traditional members, including retired teachers in the work of
the College.
Roll Call Vote:
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Achkewich, Stefanie
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Bass, Sandy
De Palma, Angela
Bellini, Christine
Dubois, Marc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Bouwmeester, Maria
Châteauvert, Monique
Dores, Gale
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 4
: 24
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos and seconded by Marie-Louise Chartrand, " That Council approve that Strategic Priority #1 be amended by substitution to read:
Broaden membership engagement in the work of the College, and in particular, engage non-traditional members, including retired teachers, the First
Nations, Métis and Inuit Teachers."
It was agreed to delete the word "the" before the words "First Nations", as a friendly amendment.
A vote was taken on the main motion as amended, and it was
That Council approve that Strategic Priority #1 be amended by substitution to read:
Broaden membership engagement in the work of the College, and in particular, engage non-traditional members, including retired teachers, First Nations,
Métis and Inuit Teachers.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouwmeester, Maria
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 28
: 0
Peter Lipman assumed the role of Presiding Officer at this time.
A vote was taken on the main motion, as amended, and it was
That Council establish the following strategic priorities for the College:
Broaden membership engagement in the work of the College, and in particular, engage non-traditional members, including retired teachers, First Nations,
Métis and Inuit Teachers.
2. Develop strategies to facilitate the ongoing professional learning of members.
3. Develop a comprehensive, long-term communication plan that includes other regulators and leverages the College's website and other
communication vehicles to:
• inform the public about the objectives and processes of self-regulation
• develop, amongst the public, an appreciation of the value of self-regulation
• improve the transparency of the College.
4. Enhance Council and committee effectiveness and accountability through:
• professional development on good governance
• clarification of the appropriate roles of Council members and staff
• streamlining and improving Council's processes
• identification, review and improvement of committee practices
• implementation of formal accountability measurements
• periodic third party review.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Mackie, Mary Lou
Bass, Sandy
Vacratsis, Demetri
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
: 28
: 2
It was noted that the strategic priorities are in no preferential order.
10.1.5 Strategic Plan - Implementation
It was moved by Steering, and
That Council approve that an action plan and timeline for implementation of the strategic plan be drafted for Council's consideration at the June 2014
meeting of Council.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Mackie, Mary Lou
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 29
: 1
12. Notices of Motion
The following Notice of Motion was read into the Minutes for consideration at the
June12-13, 2014 Council Meeting:
12.1 College Bylaws - Proposed Amendment to Nomination and Executive Committee Mandates re Filling Committee Vacancies (Sections 6 & 7)
See item 8.13 Nomination Committee (page 7).
Moved by Irene Dembek, Chair of the Nomination Committee:
That Council approve:
1. That sections 6.07(f) and 6.07 (g) of the College's bylaws be amended by deletion.
2. That section 7.09 of the College's bylaws be amended by removing references to the Nomination Committee to read as follows:
7.09 Within ten (10) days of a vacancy on a standing, special or ad hoc committee coming to the attention of the Registrar, the Registrar shall:
a. notify the members of the
Nomination and
Executive Committee
that a vacancy has arisen
b. provide the members of the
Nomination and
Executive Committee
with the information that they need in order to be able to fill the vacancy
c. draw the attention of the
Nomination and
Executive Committee
to its obligation under this section to act expeditiously
Members of the Nomination Committee are not prevented from becoming nominees for any committee vacancy.
13. New Business
13.1 Council Strategic Plan
(GC20140327-33C) (Continued)
13.1.2 Vision
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Marc Dubois, and
That Council move into an informal session with a time-limit of 30 minutes to discuss the Vision of the College.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bouragba, Ahmed
Budhwani, Shabnum
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Gray, Jacqueline
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Linton, Shanlee
Loubert, Myreille
Mackie, Mary Lou
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vacratsis, Demetri
: 29
: 0
Council moved into an informal discussion on the College Vision at 11:10 a.m. and moved out of the informal discussion at 11:40 a.m.
It was agreed that Marie-Louise Chartrand (as the Steering Committee member) will replace Bill Kirkwood on the Strategic Planning Process Committee.
It was moved by Liz Papadopoulos, seconded by Marc Dubois, and
That Council refer the motion on the College Vision to the Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning for the purpose of gathering feedback from Council
and bring back suggestions to the June 12-13, 2014 Council meeting.
Roll Call Vote:
Achkewich, Stefanie
Bernard, Jean-Luc
Bass, Sandy
Bellini, Christine
Lapalme Arseneault, Monique
Bouragba, Ahmed
Loubert, Myreille
Bouwmeester, Maria
Mackie, Mary Lou
Budhwani, Shabnum
Vacratsis, Demetri
Chartrand, Marie-Louise
Châteauvert, Monique
De Palma, Angela
Dores, Gale
Dubois, Marc
Edgar-Webkamigad, Elizabeth
Ferenczy, Monika
Frenette, Dobi-Dawn
Gagné, Robert
Glasgow, Clyde
Greif, Mel
Ifedi, Godwin
Janicki, Allyn
Kavanagh, Matthew
Linton, Shanlee
Papadopoulos, Liz
Price, Terry
Shannon, Vicki
Sloan, Louis
Vickers, Wes
: 26
: 5
14. Next Meeting(s) of Council
June 12, 2014 Annual Meeting of Members
June 12-13, 2014
15. Adjournment
The Chair reminded members that the first pilot public deputation would be permitted at the June 12-13, 2014 Council meeting.
Marie Louise Chartrand invited members to attend the wine and food pairing fundraising event for the scholarship program on June 11, 2014.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.