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Contributors to Additional Qualification Guideline Development

Selection Criteria, Roles and Responsibilities


Consultation tables are intentionally assembled to represent the linguistic, geographic, and cultural diversity of Ontario.

Consultation tables are convened only for new Additional Qualifications of a specialized nature. Examples include the Anti-Black Racism AQ and Holocaust Education and Countering Antisemitism AQ.

1. Selection criteria

  • Researchers and scholars in the subject area
  • Representatives of education focused community organizations
    (advocacy organizations can be considered if their primary focus is education)
  • Education system leaders with experience/ responsibility in the subject area 

2. Responsibilities

  • Read pre-session information materials
  • Attend a consultation session of approximately 2 hours
  • Respond to discussion prompts
  • Contribute to collaborative generation of ideas

3. Recruitment Process

  • Faculties of education invited to identify a scholar in the designated field(s)
  • Stakeholder organizations with a focus on education who have expressed interest invited to designate a representative
  • AQ providers invited to identify representative contributors

B. Writing Teams

Writing Teams are intentionally assembled to represent the linguistic, geographic, and cultural diversity of Ontario.

Writing team members use their subject-specific expertise to contribute content, but are not the author of AQ guideline documents.

College staff synthesize writing team contributions to elaborate guideline text in alignment with template norms and the College style guide.

1. Selection criteria

  • Ontario Certified Teachers who are:
    • subject area specialists
    • school and system leaders with subject-specific experience

2. Responsibilities

  • Read pre-session information materials
  • Participate in a series of writing team sessions that total approximately 6 hours
  • Contribute to collaborative generation of ideas
  • Review consolidated draft guideline to confirm that the writing team contributions are accurately represented

3. Recruitment Process

  • AQ providers invited to identify representative contributors
  • OTF invited to identify contributors to represent both English and French language sectors
  • Qualified members of the College who have expressed interest either via the online portal or in correspondence


Critical Readers are consulted for new Additional Qualifications of a specialized nature.

Examples include the Anti-Black Racism AQ. For all other AQs, the primary source of feedback is the 3-month provincial validation during which all stakeholders may contribute via the online portal.

1. Selection criteria

  • Researchers and scholars in the subject area
  • Representatives of relevant community organizations
  • Have not served on the writing team but could have contributed to the consultation

2. Responsibilities

  • Review consolidated draft guideline to provide feedback on the following:
    • subject-specific content gaps
    • use of most current subject-specific terminology
    • areas of concern, such as statements that are not supported by evidence or where the evidence is disputed

3. Recruitment Process

  • Subject area experts recommended through faculties of education, AQ providers or stakeholder groups who have not contributed to the writing team

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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